Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by quagmaire »

Fisher-Dude wrote:The boggers brag of $250,000 invested in their machines. It seems to me that those with this kind of cash to put into a pasttime could easily afford to buy their own property to set up a mud pit. Taxpayers should not be subbrogating Crown land to those who are claiming areas like Postill and Garnet as their own to destroy as they see fit.
On the surface, I absolutely agree.

One question; you say "boggers" but I think you are quoting Mark from the Capital News article?
If that's the case, I need to point out that Mark's group are not 'boggers' but in fact 'snow wheelers'. I understand the trucks appear similar, but in fact they are VERY different sports. It's unfortunate Judie didn't know the difference when the first article was written.

A 'bogger' (generally speaking) only needs a couple hundred feet and a bunch of water to test his or her machine.
A 'snow wheeler' needs miles of trails and (of course) lots of snow.
I've been on runs that have taken all day (10+ hours) to travel a 30k loop.
Giggidy, Giggidy

I know you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by Relentless »

Fisher-Dude wrote:
Why are you pointing at other wanton environmental damage to justify what you have done? Two wrongs do not make a right.

I'm an advocate for full public access to the backcountry. However, when a few do damage, it ruins it for all of us. It's a tough enough battle with over-zealous irrigation districts and the OBWB who want to gate our watersheds to all users, so when I see this kind of stuff, it's really a *bleep* off for those of us who promote access for all.
Excuse me?????
I went up there on my quad, I was not part of the Snow-Wheelers group!
Also, FYI, I spend a whole bunch of time cleaning up the back country on my Quad.

There was not enough damage from the snow-wheelers to even make a comment.
Some people just wanted to make them look bad.
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by shfi1982 »

I remember that when I was a kid, my parents used to take me and my brother to mud bog races and the monster trucks. It was a blast. Fun for the whole family. Concessions, t-shirts, etc etc and you had to pay to go watch, and I believe that people won money or trophys or something. I miss those kind of events.

Personally, I think that if there were proper organized events for people who enjoy this kind of thing, there would be less people out there wrecking the environment, like so many of you are saying.

IMO, mud bogging and monster trucks are no different then, lets say, race cars. But race car fanatics have places to go. The others dont.

It's a great idea OP.

Monster trucks used to be at black mountain rodeo grounds. I remember somewhere like peachland or summerland having mud bogging, like 20 years ago. Should all b e brought b ack :D
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by Y-Wine »

They are snow wheelers. They use Kelowna snowmobile club trails to drive down, leaving 2 foot ruts so my kids plunge into and get hurt. But hey they don"t pay for the $100000 groomer or donate time to groom the trails. They just say they can drive down a logging road because they can. KSC has many issues over the years regarding these guys.They do what they want.
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by Rwede »

Y-Wine wrote:They are snow wheelers. They use Kelowna snowmobile club trails to drive down, leaving 2 foot ruts so my kids plunge into and get hurt. But hey they don"t pay for the $100000 groomer or donate time to groom the trails. They just say they can drive down a logging road because they can. KSC has many issues over the years regarding these guys.They do what they want.
You're right. I see very little respect for all the hard work of clubs like KSC by the wheelers. KSC has fought long and hard to maintain backcountry access for everyone, then the wheelers come along and shred the KSC's trails, as well as set the access work that KSC has negotiated back to square one.

It's difficult enough for clubs to keep access open to our great outdoors without some other group coming along and giving everyone a bad name. Responsible users like KSC and the fish and game clubs donate a lot of time and money to battle the efforts of OBWB, the Regional District, and irrigation districts who want to restrict our access (even lock us out!) - wheelers and boggers come along and put a big black mark on everyone.

Legislation is now being drafted for the Okanagan region under the Wildlife Act to restrict all offroad access above the 1700 meter mark. There will be no access off established roads for any wheeled vehicle, period. All the snow wheelers in that picture, which is above the 1700 meter mark by the ESSF timber type, would be in contravention of the new legislation and ticketed.

Many "thanks" to the wheelers and boggers for making another layer of restrictive legislation necessary that also affects the responsible users of the outdoors. :(
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by Relentless »

RichardWede wrote:
Legislation is now being drafted for the Okanagan region under the Wildlife Act to restrict all offroad access above the 1700 meter mark. There will be no access off established roads for any wheeled vehicle, period. All the snow wheelers in that picture, which is above the 1700 meter mark by the ESSF timber type, would be in contravention of the new legislation and ticketed.

Many "thanks" to the wheelers and boggers for making another layer of restrictive legislation necessary that also affects the responsible users of the outdoors. :(
Link please????
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by NotLikeYou »

Y-Wine wrote:They are snow wheelers. They use Kelowna snowmobile club trails to drive down, leaving 2 foot ruts so my kids plunge into and get hurt. But hey they don"t pay for the $100000 groomer or donate time to groom the trails. They just say they can drive down a logging road because they can. KSC has many issues over the years regarding these guys.They do what they want.

Kelowna snowomobile club has been charging to ride "there" trail that is a public trail as far as I know. Do you know how many times I would pay your stupid fee and not even get a groomed trail. Thats why I tell your members to F off every time they ask me for trail money.

It goes both ways So don't b**** loudly.
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by NotLikeYou »

RichardWede wrote:
Y-Wine wrote:They are snow wheelers. They use Kelowna snowmobile club trails to drive down, leaving 2 foot ruts so my kids plunge into and get hurt. But hey they don"t pay for the $100000 groomer or donate time to groom the trails. They just say they can drive down a logging road because they can. KSC has many issues over the years regarding these guys.They do what they want.
You're right. I see very little respect for all the hard work of clubs like KSC by the wheelers. KSC has fought long and hard to maintain backcountry access for everyone, then the wheelers come along and shred the KSC's trails, as well as set the access work that KSC has negotiated back to square one.

It's difficult enough for clubs to keep access open to our great outdoors without some other group coming along and giving everyone a bad name. Responsible users like KSC and the fish and game clubs donate a lot of time and money to battle the efforts of OBWB, the Regional District, and irrigation districts who want to restrict our access (even lock us out!) - wheelers and boggers come along and put a big black mark on everyone.

Legislation is now being drafted for the Okanagan region under the Wildlife Act to restrict all offroad access above the 1700 meter mark. There will be no access off established roads for any wheeled vehicle, period. All the snow wheelers in that picture, which is above the 1700 meter mark by the ESSF timber type, would be in contravention of the new legislation and ticketed.

Many "thanks" to the wheelers and boggers for making another layer of restrictive legislation necessary that also affects the responsible users of the outdoors. :(

lets put 100% blame on boggers. I do recall it being a lot older of a sport then snowmobiling in the mountains, And im sure equipment and trucks built that road for your sleds.

So yes all the laws in BC are in place becuase of boggers solo'y and not.....
-messy hunters
-messy party goers
- drit bikers
- atv's
-messy sledders (especialy all the old ice fishers who have fires on top of frozen over lakes in the winter and leave there garbage to melt into the lake. )

any motor vehicles that leaves a mark in the dirt causes erosion. You cannot just solo out boggers.

Question: is little white even aboce 1700 meters? or the area you guys wheel in, I know the top of sunset main is around 1400 meters and thats a pretty high range.
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by cv23 »

NotLikeYou wrote:

Question: is little white even aboce 1700 meters? .
The top of Little White is well over 2000 meters
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by NotLikeYou »

thank you very much!
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by Relentless »

2171 Metres above sea level.
And Little White was shut down to vehicles because it was to be included in the Myra Bellevue Park plans in the late 90's, not because of Mud Boggers in 2005.
Tree huggers just made sure it happened.
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by Rwede »

Sunset interchange is 1638 meters. Brenda and MacDonald are 1720 meters. Where the trucks were in the picture, is all over 1700 meters. Anything up from Damfino is over 1700 meters. Little White is 2170 meters. Canyon Lakes is all 1700 + meters.

Little White was included in an expanded parks proposal because the boggers had torn up the subalpine meadow below the old Brighthouse, as well as a meadow by Crawford Lake. Little White was not included in the original Myra-Bellevue Park plan, but was later incorporated because of this damage.

The 1700 meter closure is NOT from "messy hunters" or "messy party goers" or "messy ice fishermen." "Garbage" is not the focus of the legislation, as there are already littering laws to cover that.

It is a direct result of damage to sensitive alpine habitat by boggers, and to some extent, ATVers, and dirt bikers. It was proposed by the Regional Wildlife Biologist because of numerous complaints of what was happening in the alpine from wheeled vehicles, and has come to a head because of the focus on stopping mud boggers in the past few years. Snowmobiles will be exempt from any closure.

We're going to be losing a lot of access due to irresponsible behaviour by some individuals.
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by quagmaire »

RichardWede wrote: Snowmobiles will be exempt from any closure.
Why is that?
Giggidy, Giggidy

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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by dlarrivee »

Let it be known that there are people who enjoy 4x4ing who don't enjoy "mud-bogging"... Driving through creeks and rivers and/or local water sheds etc. isn't ever going to be a good idea, neither is driving through a swamp or marsh land.

It's called TREAD LIGHTLY and mud bogging is the exact opposite, if you wouldn't take a mountain bike through a "bog", why would you take a truck or buggy through it?

You're not doing anybody any favors OP.
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events


dlarrivee wrote:Let it be known that there are people who enjoy 4x4ing who don't enjoy "mud-bogging"... Driving through creeks and rivers and/or local water sheds etc. isn't ever going to be a good idea, neither is driving through a swamp or marsh land.

It's called TREAD LIGHTLY and mud bogging is the exact opposite, if you wouldn't take a mountain bike through a "bog", why would you take a truck or buggy through it?

You're not doing anybody any favors OP.
Growing up around farm area's and large feilds my father and I always went mudding me now being 19 and being on my own and having a 2009 silverado z71 I take advantage of the 4x4 and I push it to the limit, trucks and mountain bikes are different they cant even compare.

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