Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
- Lord of the Board
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
You just like to argue for the sake of arguing. Someone could suggest using an old garbage dump, or toxic waste site for mud bogging. You would have a smart alec comment, saying it would destroy the natural biodegradable break down of the trash, pollute the toxic waste, and its what gives them the right to destroy public land.cv23 wrote:I'd still like to see the offending vehicle forfeited as this would likely do the most to ensure the offender not repeat the offense and would provide additional revenue for the forestry dept through auctions of seized vehicles.cstishenko wrote:! ... lyer_8.pdf
In favor of it? Not necessarily. But it sure takes the wind out of Mud-Boggers sails.
"keep the backwoods open for everyone to enjoy"??
It is public land so placing restrictions on just who can and who cannot use it is not really appropriate. If you are going to be allowed to use public land then so must "Jim". The difference would be who would be careful/considerate/knowledgeable enough to ensure they didn't get a $100k fine (and their vehicle seized).
Last edited by Gixxer on May 22nd, 2011, 12:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Übergod
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
Heard George Strombro say Canadians report about 12 oil spills a day of over 4000 Litres.
If you want to fight people who are hurting our planet, don't just chase the easiest targets, they are the least of our problems. Some 4x4'rs do it in the least damaging way possible... in area's that are already torn up. They take a higher risk of gettng caught partly because they don't want to go to more sensitive areas.
Seems dumb to chase them out of the known areas where they do the least damage, specially when those areas are surrounded by much more sensitive areas that are way too big to be enforced.
If you want to fight people who are hurting our planet, don't just chase the easiest targets, they are the least of our problems. Some 4x4'rs do it in the least damaging way possible... in area's that are already torn up. They take a higher risk of gettng caught partly because they don't want to go to more sensitive areas.
Seems dumb to chase them out of the known areas where they do the least damage, specially when those areas are surrounded by much more sensitive areas that are way too big to be enforced.
- Board Meister
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
fvkasm2x wrote:Naturally, CV.cv23 wrote: So because a group destroyed a piece of land through an illegal activity we should reward them by giving them the land?
Me and you should go take a few dumps on NotLikeYou's yard every day for a few weeks. Eventually, he will get mad that we ruined his yard and will just sign over his house to us. We can then renovate it and flip it for a hefty profit. Afterall, we'll get the property for free after we wreck it.
How is alowing them to bog there GIVING them the land anyways..
- Board Meister
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
dlarrivee wrote:I tried to mention that mud bogging isn't ever going to be a good idea, and there are 4wd enthusiasts who prefer technical trails, rocks, hills, etc. rather than just getting stuck and broken in a swamp...
If you want to drive through a huge pool of water and mud, someone is going to have to provide the land to do it on.
Your trails span MILES upon MILES. Way harsher on the environment then one big mud pit, Sorry.
- Board Meister
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
rideforever wrote:Heard George Strombro say Canadians report about 12 oil spills a day of over 4000 Litres.
If you want to fight people who are hurting our planet, don't just chase the easiest targets, they are the least of our problems. Some 4x4'rs do it in the least damaging way possible... in area's that are already torn up. They take a higher risk of gettng caught partly because they don't want to go to more sensitive areas.
Seems dumb to chase them out of the known areas where they do the least damage, specially when those areas are surrounded by much more sensitive areas that are way too big to be enforced.
These people are stereo types for the average kelowna person.
mug bogging goes back to the first ages of trucks ever built and it's still hear today!
Why do you think every kid says dad. Hit that puddle!!.
- Fledgling
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
Incorrect.NotLikeYou wrote:dlarrivee wrote:I tried to mention that mud bogging isn't ever going to be a good idea, and there are 4wd enthusiasts who prefer technical trails, rocks, hills, etc. rather than just getting stuck and broken in a swamp...
If you want to drive through a huge pool of water and mud, someone is going to have to provide the land to do it on.
Your trails span MILES upon MILES. Way harsher on the environment then one big mud pit, Sorry.
"One big mud pit" requires a water source... I suppose you figure the water just lands in one spot and stays there instead of heading down streams or rivers later on?
Driving on dry trails vs. tearing up a living marsh, how could you possibly compare the two...
- Newbie
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
Mack of Trades wrote:Ok guys ….i was out on my daily journey and in the day had brought me to a local auto parts store where my best friend has worked for about 10 years,,, I know the owners well and have been friends of the family for many many years …when I brought up the conversation about the organization that I was trying to bring forth for more outdoor motorized events/ activities to the area. My friend asks me was it was all about so I mentioned it to him and had he read a little of it ….
Well at that point he smiled and said man they are building one as we speak, he went on explaining that a group of people petitioned the government or such for a portion of land to create this off-roading courses on... And the piece of land was granted he stated …
Though I did not hear the straight from the sources I do trust the people that I have talked to on the matter to be telling the truth ,,,though they could not elaborate much on it they said they helped( maybe donated towards) out towards the persons and group that was creating this outdoor portion of land
I was told that the machinery has dug ground and that this place to 4x4 is on its way to becoming around …I was sooooo excited when I heard this,
Apparently this person or persons from this group may work at Kelowna flight craft I would like if anyone knows this person or persons/club … if they could get them to briefly pop on here and share a little information straight from the source that would be absolutely perfect ….
Until then I will do my best to hunt down this group of people and get some facts to share with all of you … thank again guys for all the reply’s and suggestions lets purge forward together converse and make this dream for a lot of us a much needed reality …
More to come when I find and contact the sources till then friends enjoy you'r may long weekend
was wondering if this post as overlooked/missed ? any feed back ?
come join us on facebook and lets get treadin .....Okanagan area 4x4 and Outdoor Event Organization[/size] ask to join our group .lets find a solution to reducing damage ,re-using the area ,and recycling the idea's:)
- Board Meister
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
dlarrivee wrote:Incorrect.NotLikeYou wrote:
Your trails span MILES upon MILES. Way harsher on the environment then one big mud pit, Sorry.
"One big mud pit" requires a water source... I suppose you figure the water just lands in one spot and stays there instead of heading down streams or rivers later on?
Driving on dry trails vs. tearing up a living marsh, how could you possibly compare the two...
The pit in question does have a water source that is only a spring run off creek. Its not a fish habitat nor does it stay flowing all year long. The postill pit stays the most muddy for the longest time comapaired to the other area's people bogg in.
You would know this if you have been there. but obviously not.
Are you one of those guys that takes his new truck up gravels roads exploring areas that the average person has already seen and calls it trail 4x4ing? lol you are starting to sound like one.
- Board Meister
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
Mack of Trades wrote:Mack of Trades wrote:Ok guys ….i was out on my daily journey and in the day had brought me to a local auto parts store where my best friend has worked for about 10 years,,, I know the owners well and have been friends of the family for many many years …when I brought up the conversation about the organization that I was trying to bring forth for more outdoor motorized events/ activities to the area. My friend asks me was it was all about so I mentioned it to him and had he read a little of it ….
Well at that point he smiled and said man they are building one as we speak, he went on explaining that a group of people petitioned the government or such for a portion of land to create this off-roading courses on... And the piece of land was granted he stated …
Though I did not hear the straight from the sources I do trust the people that I have talked to on the matter to be telling the truth ,,,though they could not elaborate much on it they said they helped( maybe donated towards) out towards the persons and group that was creating this outdoor portion of land
I was told that the machinery has dug ground and that this place to 4x4 is on its way to becoming around …I was sooooo excited when I heard this,
Apparently this person or persons from this group may work at Kelowna flight craft I would like if anyone knows this person or persons/club … if they could get them to briefly pop on here and share a little information straight from the source that would be absolutely perfect ….
Until then I will do my best to hunt down this group of people and get some facts to share with all of you … thank again guys for all the reply’s and suggestions lets purge forward together converse and make this dream for a lot of us a much needed reality …
More to come when I find and contact the sources till then friends enjoy you'r may long weekend
was wondering if this post as overlooked/missed ? any feed back ?
talk with SwampRat on or call his work swamp rat auto repairs i think he goes by. He would probably know how you can become apart of it! Infact it might even be hi organising it!
- Übergod
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
Do you figure spills on the trail stay in one spot on the trail?dlarrivee wrote:Incorrect.NotLikeYou wrote:
Your trails span MILES upon MILES. Way harsher on the environment then one big mud pit, Sorry.
"One big mud pit" requires a water source... I suppose you figure the water just lands in one spot and stays there instead of heading down streams or rivers later on?
Driving on dry trails vs. tearing up a living marsh, how could you possibly compare the two...
Do you figure all trails are dry... it never rains... there's no ditches carrying water from the trails into streams?
Both sides enjoy trucking so much that they are ok with slightly harming the environment to do so. After all, what they do is nothing compared what else is going on, like the average of 12 spills a day over 4000 Litres reported in Canada.
If different types of 4x4'n were so uncomparrable, you wouldn't have to twist the arguement by calling your trails 'dry' and calling barren mud pits 'living marshes'.
- Guru
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
Trail riding is quite obviously going to have less impact than 'gouging'.
Trying to defend your position on bogging by drawing comparisons is really pretty weak.
I'm all for mud bogging in a controlled environment with measures taken to ensure a minimal impact on local ecology etc.
Trail riders that stick to trails do very little damage and typically don't like to ride their trails in the rain.
There will be minimal fluid losses comparatively speaking as the engine are not revving high. There is seldom a loss of coolant or seldom a blown engine with a hole in the case the size of a fist. That does happen in bogging pits.
Trail riders leave very little debris behind as they are typically not standing around swilling bud, eating jalapeno doritos or tossing cigarette butts. all of the above...often.
Trail riders leave little residual matter behind as their trucks are usually a daily driver. They are maintained to be reliable and oil leaks, transmission leaks and coolant leaks are maintained more closely and addressed with more attention. Often those who like to bog are tearing up the mud in the ol' fleetside they dragged from behind the barn, or someone's left over heap they dump on some low payout deal to get rid of the heap and out of the yard.
Postil Pit is a run-off basin that acts as a natural filter to local ground waters and helps to feed the catch basins slower and with less turbidity than ground level run off typically does. It's a different thing altogether than streams or lakes and such, but no less vital to the overall health of our water supplies. If you are so ignorant to not know the very basics about keeping a healthy water supply, then you really shouldn't be in the bush at all until you educate yourself a bit about the damages you are causing through your actions.
Any of you pro-mud-bogger folks that thinks postil is the perfect place...need to read more than your 76 chevy shop manual.
Back to the topic:
I'd really like to see some organization go into meeting the wants of the local boggers so they do have a venue to exploit their efforts in creating the ultimate mud slinger.
I agree with a few posts that have made mention of a group getting together to make this happen. It should without doubt be held on private land.
There should also be less hillbilly tramps playing mud-goddess and a whole lot less budweiser allowed on site. But that's just my opinion.
Trying to defend your position on bogging by drawing comparisons is really pretty weak.
I'm all for mud bogging in a controlled environment with measures taken to ensure a minimal impact on local ecology etc.
Trail riders that stick to trails do very little damage and typically don't like to ride their trails in the rain.
There will be minimal fluid losses comparatively speaking as the engine are not revving high. There is seldom a loss of coolant or seldom a blown engine with a hole in the case the size of a fist. That does happen in bogging pits.
Trail riders leave very little debris behind as they are typically not standing around swilling bud, eating jalapeno doritos or tossing cigarette butts. all of the above...often.
Trail riders leave little residual matter behind as their trucks are usually a daily driver. They are maintained to be reliable and oil leaks, transmission leaks and coolant leaks are maintained more closely and addressed with more attention. Often those who like to bog are tearing up the mud in the ol' fleetside they dragged from behind the barn, or someone's left over heap they dump on some low payout deal to get rid of the heap and out of the yard.
Postil Pit is a run-off basin that acts as a natural filter to local ground waters and helps to feed the catch basins slower and with less turbidity than ground level run off typically does. It's a different thing altogether than streams or lakes and such, but no less vital to the overall health of our water supplies. If you are so ignorant to not know the very basics about keeping a healthy water supply, then you really shouldn't be in the bush at all until you educate yourself a bit about the damages you are causing through your actions.
Any of you pro-mud-bogger folks that thinks postil is the perfect place...need to read more than your 76 chevy shop manual.
Back to the topic:
I'd really like to see some organization go into meeting the wants of the local boggers so they do have a venue to exploit their efforts in creating the ultimate mud slinger.
I agree with a few posts that have made mention of a group getting together to make this happen. It should without doubt be held on private land.
There should also be less hillbilly tramps playing mud-goddess and a whole lot less budweiser allowed on site. But that's just my opinion.
- Fledgling
- Posts: 180
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
Thanks for putting in words what I couldn't.
- Fledgling
- Posts: 180
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
Last edited by dlarrivee on May 23rd, 2011, 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Fledgling
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
Last edited by dlarrivee on May 23rd, 2011, 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Fledgling
- Posts: 180
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events
Last edited by dlarrivee on May 23rd, 2011, 2:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.