Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by NotLikeYou »

Graham Adder wrote:Trail riding is quite obviously going to have less impact than 'gouging'.
Trying to defend your position on bogging by drawing comparisons is really pretty weak.
I'm all for mud bogging in a controlled environment with measures taken to ensure a minimal impact on local ecology etc.
Trail riders that stick to trails do very little damage and typically don't like to ride their trails in the rain.
There will be minimal fluid losses comparatively speaking as the engine are not revving high. There is seldom a loss of coolant or seldom a blown engine with a hole in the case the size of a fist. That does happen in bogging pits.
Trail riders leave very little debris behind as they are typically not standing around swilling bud, eating jalapeno doritos or tossing cigarette butts. all of the above...often.
Trail riders leave little residual matter behind as their trucks are usually a daily driver. They are maintained to be reliable and oil leaks, transmission leaks and coolant leaks are maintained more closely and addressed with more attention. Often those who like to bog are tearing up the mud in the ol' fleetside they dragged from behind the barn, or someone's left over heap they dump on some low payout deal to get rid of the heap and out of the yard.

Postil Pit is a run-off basin that acts as a natural filter to local ground waters and helps to feed the catch basins slower and with less turbidity than ground level run off typically does. It's a different thing altogether than streams or lakes and such, but no less vital to the overall health of our water supplies. If you are so ignorant to not know the very basics about keeping a healthy water supply, then you really shouldn't be in the bush at all until you educate yourself a bit about the damages you are causing through your actions.

Any of you pro-mud-bogger folks that thinks postil is the perfect place...need to read more than your 76 chevy shop manual.

Back to the topic:
I'd really like to see some organization go into meeting the wants of the local boggers so they do have a venue to exploit their efforts in creating the ultimate mud slinger.
I agree with a few posts that have made mention of a group getting together to make this happen. It should without doubt be held on private land.
There should also be less hillbilly tramps playing mud-goddess and a whole lot less budweiser allowed on site. But that's just my opinion.

lol you do realize that area had a small amount of water in it for years. then dried up and wasnt good for bogging until someone re routed water back into it, So your filtraition speech is kinda false, Since it dried up for years and unless someone didnt re route the water it would still be that way.

Your compairison between trail riders and boggers is so biased it's not even funny. You paint trail riders as if they leave no harm. wich you and I and the fence post knows is BS. Go up smith creek and tell me what all the "trail riders" paths are like now a days after years of water and erosian taking place. You can barly get a non lifted truck up them anymore and they look like open sores on the mountain from a heli. Not natural at all. They both leave a foot print, IF one gets banned they both will be! So why fight against each other, and not together?
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by Bpeep »

Im going to agree with dlarrive, I just wont say it as many times.
Good on ya, Gray Ham.
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by dlarrivee »

We can't work together on this because it's hard to soar like an eagle when you're working with turkeys...
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by Big Bacardi »

but what if you are a turkey as well????????
You may think I'm dumb...But I ain't so smart.....but i am smart enuf to know how to spell corrictley!!!....I sure wish others culd spel. The graamar by other postars truly sux!
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by dlarrivee »

Big Bacardi wrote:but what if you are a turkey as well????????
Then I guess I better go get stuck in a puddle and ruin access for everyone else.
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by NotLikeYou »

dlarrivee wrote:
Big Bacardi wrote:but what if you are a turkey as well????????
Then I guess I better go get stuck in a puddle and ruin access for everyone else.

Pretty sure its a combination of sports.
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by healthnut »

I was up at postill today and saw the remnants of a boggers campsite[still smoldering]they were staying at the reservoir area [lower lake than the lodge lake] from where our drinking water comes from ..there was evidence of trucks driving around the area and lots of water was mudded up [which flows into the reservoir]they must have read this forum because the damage was minimal compared to the devastation of the logging further up around the corner... :eyeballspin:
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by wonderland »

And are you sure they were boggers ,because there are a lot of people that camp up there that arent boggers! I think it was my neighbor with his truck showing off to his kids... Did you happen to catch the boggers who where camipng in the honda civic who left all the trash behind.I find it amazing that if someone does somthing distructive in the back country it gets blamed on the boggers :ohmygod: wake up.
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by dirtguy »

grumpydigger wrote:any one who has really been back in the back country hunting .fishing or working in BC knows there is 100s of thousands of miles of wilderness out there......What the people in kelowna want is their piece of paradise with in a half hour drive of their house...........I worked in the road building and logging industry for years and the destruction that was done by the government was incredible ......Ive done more damage with a d8 dozer in a day then these 4x4s could could do in a life time...............all approved because the government was making money from it......

One of if not the best post of this entire thread...I spend alot of time in the mountains and the destruction i see is 99% government approved and 1% other,maybe all the haters should start looking at the big picture
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by Relentless »

healthnut wrote:I was up at postill today and saw the remnants of a boggers campsite[still smoldering]they were staying at the reservoir area [lower lake than the lodge lake] from where our drinking water comes from
If you are talking about the waterholes that fill up from the runoff, you are sadly mistaken that this feeds our drinking water source.
Our drinking water comes from creeks and streams, not the area where the mud pit is!
Im sure we are going to be drinking stagnant water that the cows use for a bathroom. :ohmygod:
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by cv23 »

UltraViolet wrote:If you are talking about the waterholes that fill up from the runoff, you are sadly mistaken that this feeds our drinking water source.
Our drinking water comes from creeks and streams, not the area where the mud pit is!
Im sure we are going to be drinking stagnant water that the cows use for a bathroom. :ohmygod:
Groundwater and Surface Water

In order to understand drinking water contamination, it is necessary to first understand from where our drinking water comes. For most urban residents, relying upon municipal water systems, drinking water comes from two major sources: groundwater and surface water. These two sources of drinking water will be referenced throughout this guide to water contamination.

Groundwater refers to any subsurface water that occurs beneath the water table in soil and other geologic forms (Rail, 2000). Scientists estimate that groundwater makes up 95% of all freshwater available for drinking. Groundwater is a significant source of water for many municipal water systems in the United States. Rural residents, withdrawing their water from wells, also rely upon groundwater.

Surface water refers to water occurring in lakes, rivers, streams, or other fresh water sources used for drinking water supplies. While most drinking water in the United States is withdrawn from groundwater sources, surface water remains a significant water resource.

Each source of water has a unique set of contaminants; groundwater stores pesticide chemicals and nitrate while surface water contains most bacteria and other microorganisms. Because of the interconnectedness of groundwater and surface water, these contaminants may be shared between the two sources. Neither water source can ever be entirely free from water contaminants. Due to the cycle of water (hydrology), the two sources of drinking water feed each other, sharing contaminants.

Groundwater is generally stored in aqueducts, underground layers of porous rocks that are saturated with water. These aqueducts receive water as soil becomes saturated with precipitation or through stream and river runoff. As the aqueducts exceed their capacity for water storage, they will bleed water back into streams or rivers. The aqueducts maintain a natural balance of water, alternately receiving or giving water as their saturation levels oscillate. Throughout this process, water constantly moves between surface and groundwater sources, sharing contaminants
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by Rwede »

UltraViolet wrote:
healthnut wrote:I was up at postill today and saw the remnants of a boggers campsite[still smoldering]they were staying at the reservoir area [lower lake than the lodge lake] from where our drinking water comes from
If you are talking about the waterholes that fill up from the runoff, you are sadly mistaken that this feeds our drinking water source.
Our drinking water comes from creeks and streams, not the area where the mud pit is!
Im sure we are going to be drinking stagnant water that the cows use for a bathroom. :ohmygod:
He's talking about Moore Lake, a drinking water reservoir below Postill Lake. Our drinking water is largely dependent on aquifer recharge, which is fed in part by the waterholes that fill up with runoff and then act as natural filters to purify the water. When these waterholes are torn up by mudboggers, they lose their filtering effect, and the cowchit flows freely into our drinking water supplies.
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by Graham Adder »

RichardWede wrote:He's talking about Moore Lake, a drinking water reservoir below Postill Lake. Our drinking water is largely dependent on aquifer recharge, which is fed in part by the waterholes that fill up with runoff and then act as natural filters to purify the water. When these waterholes are torn up by mudboggers, they lose their filtering effect, and the cowchit flows freely into our drinking water supplies.
Gawd dayum I can't believe so many people still don't get this...

good post Dickard.
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by Ken7 »

Just a thought…

I have nothing against anyone who enjoys the sport of 4x4 ing. I own one, which is used to keep me safer on the highway. Would I go hill climbing in it, No.

What troubles me is the insurance. I pay higher premiums due to the fact it is a 4x4. Now, why are my rates higher, because of repair costs if involved in a motor vehicle accident?

What I feel should be done is when registering a 4x4 sign off, on road or off road usage. If you are on road insured and pull a stupid stunt like the video last posted on this site called “Offroading Dismount” your insurance should be voided. Why I say this is I once again being penalized as a result of others who are high risk.
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Re: Kelowna mud bogging and outdoor 4x4ing annual events

Post by dlarrivee »

Kenyo wrote:Just a thought…

I have nothing against anyone who enjoys the sport of 4x4 ing. I own one, which is used to keep me safer on the highway. Would I go hill climbing in it, No.

What troubles me is the insurance. I pay higher premiums due to the fact it is a 4x4. Now, why are my rates higher, because of repair costs if involved in a motor vehicle accident?

What I feel should be done is when registering a 4x4 sign off, on road or off road usage. If you are on road insured and pull a stupid stunt like the video last posted on this site called “Offroading Dismount” your insurance should be voided. Why I say this is I once again being penalized as a result of others who are high risk.
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You're more likely to hit the ditch thinking that 4wd is helping you on ice and snow over pavement...

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