
Is there a god? What is the meaning of life?


Post by Saxon »

Who was Jesus?
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Re: Jesus

Post by eyepop »

Saxon wrote:Who was Jesus?
i would have thought a 'christian' would have asked,

"who IS jesus?"

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Re: Jesus

Post by Nebula »

A. The guy ultimately responsible for the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.

B. A fictional character invented during a dark time for human kind to represent all the good that can be.

C. Someone who, if alive today, would be give large doses of thorazine and locked away. (Or conversely, allowed to roam the streets of the Downtown Eastside.)

D. Other?
You cannot reason someone out of a position that they did not use reason to arrive at.

Re: Jesus

Post by Saxon »

There is a reason I chose was as opposed to IS...we'll get to that later :124:
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Re: Jesus

Post by Amor vincit omnia »

Jesus was a was a 1st century Galilean Jew regarded as a teacher and healer. He was crucified in Jerusalem on the charge of sedition against the Roman Empire.

Few critical scholars believe that all ancient texts on Jesus' life are either completely accurate or completely inaccurate.

I do not believe he performed any miracles. I do not believe he was the son of God any more than the rest of us. I believe he had a noble cause and many followers and was willing to die for his cause. Like many before and after him, in his death he became bigger than in life.

Re: Jesus

Post by bdbnkr »

Amor vincit omnia wrote:Jesus was a was a 1st century Galilean Jew regarded as a teacher and healer. He was crucified in Jerusalem on the charge of sedition against the Roman Empire.

Few critical scholars believe that all ancient texts on Jesus' life are either completely accurate or completely inaccurate."
I agree with this.
Amor vincit omnia wrote: I do not believe he performed any miracles. I do not believe he was the son of God any more than the rest of us. I believe he had a noble cause and many followers and was willing to die for his cause. Like many before and after him, in his death he became bigger than in life.
I do not agree with this. "Son of God" is a tough one to define. I do believe that he was the son of God but think that the title is misunderstood by many Christians and non Christians. I think it is better addressed when we discuss who Jesus "is" rather than who he "was". I am convinced many of the miracles attributed to Him actually occured.

As we are still discussing the "historical" Jesus, I will leave it at that for now. When we move on to who Jesus "is" I am sure I will have more to add.

Re: Jesus

Post by bdbnkr »

writerdave wrote:A. The guy ultimately responsible for the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus.

B. A fictional character invented during a dark time for human kind to represent all the good that can be.

C. Someone who, if alive today, would be give large doses of thorazine and locked away. (Or conversely, allowed to roam the streets of the Downtown Eastside.)

D. Other?
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Re: Jesus

Post by AlanH »

I heard Jesus used to mow the lawn at Michael Jacksons Neverland ranch, right beside Jose', Alberto, and Rodriguiz.
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Re: Jesus

Post by Nebula »

AlanH wrote:I heard Jesus used to mow the lawn at Michael Jacksons Neverland ranch, right beside Jose', Alberto, and Rodriguiz.
You owe me a coffee, 'cause you just made me spill mine.
You cannot reason someone out of a position that they did not use reason to arrive at.
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Re: Jesus

Post by warden »

AlanH wrote:I heard Jesus used to mow the lawn at Michael Jacksons Neverland ranch, right beside Jose', Alberto, and Rodriguiz.
I hear he gave up that job to campaign for Obama... :12077:
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Re: Jesus

Post by CoffeeCanuck »

Jesus was:

Free of sin
A son
A friend
A carpenter
A healer & miracle worker
A living sacrifice

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Re: Jesus

Post by eyepop »

Jesus was a capricorn
He ate organic food
He believed in love and peace
And never wore no shoes

Long hair, beard and sandles
And a funky bunch of friends
Reckon we'd just nail him up
If he came down again

'cause everybody's gotta have somebody to look down on
Who they can feel better than at any time they please
Someone doin' somethin dirty decent folks can frown on
If you can't find nobody else, then help yourself to me

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Re: Jesus

Post by razzledazzle »

He's a myth, but Diablo is real :125:

Re: Jesus

Post by Saxon »

You see I dont get the people who are " Im not religious... Oh I believe Jesus was a good guy and all"
" Oh Im sure he was an educated guy"... "Oh he was probably a good person a great speaker"

firstly lets deal with those who claim there was no Jesus at all... I dont think many historians these days would agree with you on that... well not and keep a straight face anyway... there is proof of his existence from lots of sources... Christian and non Christian

Secondly lets look at the bible...when we judge the validity of any historic writing we take into account ... When was it written?.... how many copies are there? ...when were earliest copies were made after the events?..etc etc .Lets look at a few ancient works and the figures that go with them


Take a good look at those figures because no classical scholar doubts the validity of those above the New Testament

As one of the greatest textural critics ever F.J.A Hort said " In the variety and fullness of the evidence on which it rests the text of the New Testament stands absolutely and unapproachably alone among ancient prose writings"

Quoting Sir Fredrick Kenyon a leading Scholar in the area...

"The interval, then, between the dates of original composition and the earliest extant evidence becomes so small as to be in fact, negligible, and the last foundation for any doubt that the Scriptures have come down to us substantially as they were written has now been removed. Both the authenticity and the general integrity of the books of the New Testament may be regarded as finally established."

So hopefully we have established that Jesus did infact exist and and please feel free to do some research on this that the bible is one of the most valid texts if not THE most valid text we hold from ancient times now we are faced with ...who was Jesus? well lets look at what he claimed... Jesus claimed in whole many times he was infact God.. He claimed the power to forgive the sins of men, Now it is something to forgive me should I sin against you but to forgive the sins of others? only God can do that.

so here we have a man claiming to the power to heal....... to perform miracles.... claimed to be God himsef many times!...

We should be faced with 3 choices at this point


He's Crazy ?

He's Evil ?

He is who he says he is!

There is no room for just a good guy, wise fellow.....great speaker etc... and should you think there is patronizing
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Re: Jesus

Post by eyepop »

Saxon wrote: so here we have a man claiming to the power to heal....... to perform miracles.... claimed to be God himself many times!...
We should be faced with 3 choices at this point
He's Crazy ?
He's Evil ?
He is who he says he is!
and so?

it's been done before.


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