Green Party Candidate

BC's provincial election and STV referendum takes place Tuesday May 12th.
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Re: Green Party Candidate

Post by grammafreddy »

SHOZDIJIJI wrote:You have my vote.............Good luck . A green vote is a vote for the future.
and your reasoning is ....?????????
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Re: Green Party Candidate

Post by usquebaugh »

new in town wrote:
grammafreddy wrote:I am a tad more basic than all the greenies. They just want to ban everything.
The green issue is a mandate to pass all costs on to the consumer AKA a new "green tax". Notice how businesses pay a mere pittance compared to consumers ? I'll swerve it thanks, and wait til the fuss passes just like inflated gas prices, economic melt down, recessions. It all passes by in the end and normality resumes.

This winter is evidence that global warming is a sham/scam. :spinball: water shortage my *bleep*.
That's because we elect right-wing governments that would rather pass on the tax to consumers, rather than going directly after the industries that pollute the air, water, and soil!
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Re: Green Party Candidate

Post by golem22 »

Any charges that are levied against a business will HAVE to be passed on to the end consumer this is a fact of life.
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Re: Green Party Candidate

Post by gardengirl »

gardengirl wrote:
Bellevuejim wrote:Better not post to the forums anymore unless of course, you are using a hand crank powered computer. Actually, the energy that went into producing the plastic for the hand crank is pretty wasteful too...we better just yell our comments out of the entrance of our caves.

At least the candidate looks normal. The last guy was permanently stoned and lived in his car.
To whom are you referring?
Still waiting to hear who this guy was....
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Re: Green Party Candidate


grammafredy of the most basic of the Green Party's beliefs is if something is developed ie . an open pit mine for example but will cost more in the future say in regards to enviromental damage, loss of water resources etc then they won't do it. The Green Party platform is based on sustainability.

Conservative ,Liberal ( short for Conservative ) Social Credit, NDP they've had their kick at the can. Time for some new ideas.
Last edited by SHOZDIJIJI on Apr 1st, 2009, 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Green Party Candidate

Post by toomanyessays »

I think its time for some change within government. I believe Crystal can make a huge difference in the community BECAUSE shes young and can represent the 20/30 somethings in a government position, and yet she still has a broad understanding of issues that affect the older adults in the community. I am within that younger category and have not really been all that interested in politics because I have not been able to relate to any of our currently elected officials. And would it not make sense to have younger representation because we are the future?

I recognize that there are stereotypes about both the younger and the older generations; the younger being arrogant, uninformed and inexperienced. This is not true. We ARE involved; we attend University or College; we ARE informed on policies and social issues.

The green party is about environmental, economic, and social sustainability (aka so we can live on this planet for another couple generations without destroying ourselves and the only celestial home we have... mind you "new in town" might be able to live on Mars :sillygrin: )
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Re: Green Party Candidate


Thank you toomanyessays...... :sunshine:
After being asked if he would consider politic's the smart man replied " No the smart people have the Politicians working for them."
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Re: Green Party Candidate

Post by new in town »

toomanyessays wrote:

The green party is about environmental, economic, and social sustainability (aka so we can live on this planet for another couple generations without destroying ourselves and the only celestial home we have... mind you "new in town" might be able to live on Mars :sillygrin: )
I'll be dead before the time you'll be able to do anything useful with your life.
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Re: Green Party Candidate

Post by golem22 »

SHOZDIJIJI wrote:You have my vote.............Good luck . A green vote is a vote for the future.

No matter who you vote for you are always voting for the future, the question is what kind of a future? One where we live in caves wear hemp clothing, smoke a joint or three every morning and avoid all things plastic?

Or you could vote for a real candidate who might actual do something....useful for society (sadly i must admit i have no idea who that would be however)
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Re: Green Party Candidate

Post by toomanyessays »

Dearest "New in town":
Actually I am being quite productive. What does the part you quoted me on have anything to do with usefulness though? Or can you not swallow what you dish? :cursor:

"Golem22": I agree, we are all voting for the future, and more often then not, its a vote for the lesser of the two evils (or in the case of politics, a choice between more then two).
Just curious what you mean by a "real candidate"?
Green Party is not the Marijuana Party, and I'm pretty sure voting Green does not mean the government will force us all to smoke weed and start camping. Those are lifestyle choices. I also know many individuals who smoke cannibis like it was going out of style and vote conservative or liberal. My personal vote is for change! Best of luck Crystal!
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Re: Green Party Candidate

Post by The Restaurant Reviewer »

gardengirl wrote:
gardengirl wrote: To whom are you referring?
Still waiting to hear who this guy was....
I think his name was Kevin Ade was it not? I remember him looking looking like Hippie
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Re: Green Party Candidate

Post by kelowna6 »

FYI...In 2005 Paddy Weston ran in Kelowna-Mission (the riding Crystal is running in now as the Green Candidate)...In 2001 Angela Reid (now a city councillor) ran...Amazing to see people cannot utilize Google these days but would rather run with inaccurate info...No "stoned guy living out of his car" ran in Kelowna-Mission as a Green :127: ...interesting to see people continue to attempt to justify their ignorance with completely irrelevant replies (ie: new in town)...probably also the same group of people who complain about current governance but cannot deal with actual intellectual discussion of a platform such as the Green mandate :skyisfalling:
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Re: Green Party Candidate

Post by golem22 »

toomanyessays wrote:Dearest "New in town":
Actually I am being quite productive. What does the part you quoted me on have anything to do with usefulness though? Or can you not swallow what you dish? :cursor:

"Golem22": I agree, we are all voting for the future, and more often then not, its a vote for the lesser of the two evils (or in the case of politics, a choice between more then two).
Just curious what you mean by a "real candidate"?
Green Party is not the Marijuana Party, and I'm pretty sure voting Green does not mean the government will force us all to smoke weed and start camping. Those are lifestyle choices. I also know many individuals who smoke cannibis like it was going out of style and vote conservative or liberal. My personal vote is for change! Best of luck Crystal!

What i mean by a real candidate is one that actually has a chance of getting elected, even if its just a small chance at least your vote has the chance of doing something. Basically green has less of a chance than a candle in a tornado of getting elected.

Democracy is a funny beast, a Dr. has the same voting power as a drug addled alcoholic welfare bum...... For some reason i find an inherent beauty in a system like that, as it is both comedic but serenely important.
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Re: Green Party Candidate

Post by gardengirl »

The Restaurant Reviewer wrote:
gardengirl wrote: Still waiting to hear who this guy was....
I think his name was Kevin Ade was it not? I remember him looking looking like Hippie
If this is who they are referring to, I doubt they ever met the man.

Kevin Ade was very dedicated and sincere.
He did not spend a lot of money on his campaign.
Even though, he is very soft-spoken, I found him to be articulate and bright.
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Re: Green Party Candidate

Post by toomanyessays »

What i mean by a real candidate is one that actually has a chance of getting elected, even if its just a small chance at least your vote has the chance of doing something. Basically green has less of a chance than a candle in a tornado of getting elected.

Democracy is a funny beast, a Dr. has the same voting power as a drug addled alcoholic welfare bum...... For some reason i find an inherent beauty in a system like that, as it is both comedic but serenely important.[/quote]

Ah i see. Thank you for clarifying that.
I guess democracy can be considered beautiful in that sense. I dont see the amusment factor because, although i'm not positive on the fact, I dont think there are too many homeless or substance users who walk into the elementary schools and churches to vote in kelowna. I know for myself, I was not entirely welcomed as a voter this past election and i'm 22. I am also not originally from Kelowna and holding a different perminent address, so I dont think a person without a registered place of shelter would be welcomed on paper even before they walked into the building. There is still a lot of discrimination and prejudice within the system which i believe hinders certain groups from wanting to vote. But that is just my personal opinion.

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