Our Noah's Ark

Is there a god? What is the meaning of life?

Is this a plausible explanation to Revelation 13?

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No, not at all.
It is partially correct.
I do not understand.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Nebula »

michael777 wrote:I never said the Earth was only six thousand years old. The Earth has been here for millions of years. It became null and void. It was already here. God then started over, creating people and animals and planting gardens. I think if you believe the Earth is only six thousand years old, you have to be blind. M777
My apologies. I made an assumption. If the Earth is millions of years old and "was already here" when God started over, how do you reconcile that Genesis describes, in order, how God created the universe and everything else, in a particular order? I mean, Genesis doesn't say there the Earth was already here before God got creating.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by chickenlittle »

1 Thessalonians 5:1-3
1Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
Last edited by chickenlittle on Aug 16th, 2009, 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by chickenlittle »

Think that spending time trying to predict the end times is a complete waste of time. Every generation has had those who firmly believe that the end times are just around the corner and they have all been wrong. I do not recall reading any Biblical instructions for us to try and calculate the date of Jesus's return. I do recall Jesus telling us to love God and each other. I think all of the talk of the end of the world is a distraction from what we should be doing. Paul's warning is pretty clear in the above scripture... we should not waste time writing down dates of the return, but should spend our time making sure we have a good relationship with God through Christ because eventually he will return (whether this is on an individual spiritual basis or on a global physical level is also not realy relevant as long as the relationship is there).
Last edited by chickenlittle on Aug 16th, 2009, 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by michael777 »

Nebula wrote:My apologies. I made an assumption. If the Earth is millions of years old and "was already here" when God started over, how do you reconcile that Genesis describes, in order, how God created the universe and everything else, in a particular order? I mean, Genesis doesn't say there the Earth was already here before God got creating.
It says in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. That was literally billions of years ago. That has been proven. Now you skip forward to God's first day creating on the Earth. On the first day he said let there be light. How do you know that the sun wasn't already there? Maybe it was obscurred by clouds. A natural disaster could have blotted out the sun. I wasn't there, but I do know there are other ways of viewing the same material.
I need some sleep. Good night friends. I enjoyed our conversation...M777
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Nebula »

michael777 wrote:
Nebula wrote:My apologies. I made an assumption. If the Earth is millions of years old and "was already here" when God started over, how do you reconcile that Genesis describes, in order, how God created the universe and everything else, in a particular order? I mean, Genesis doesn't say there the Earth was already here before God got creating.
It says in the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. That was literally billions of years ago. That has been proven. Now you skip forward to God's first day creating on the Earth. On the first day he said let there be light. How do you know that the sun wasn't already there? Maybe it was obscurred by clouds. A natural disaster could have blotted out the sun. I wasn't there, but I do know there are other ways of viewing the same material.
I need some sleep. Good night friends. I enjoyed our conversation...M777
I think you're taking a lot of creative license with Genesis in order to reconcile it with your views.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Phoenix Within »

Nebula wrote:I think you're taking a lot of creative license with Genesis in order to reconcile it with your views.
Michael bay doesn't even take that much creative licence!
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by zzontar »

Logically speaking, the world as we know it must end if it keeps going the way it is, it's just a matter of when. Of course if the world wasn't becoming overpopulated and the air was getting cleaner and the food more plentiful and the oceans were getting cleaner and less nukes were being built instead of more and so on I'd be more optimistic, but it's like sitting in a boat with a slow leak... it has to sink eventually unless someone starts bailing. I don't see any bailing happening, only people saying that even if the boat keeps filling with water, it will never sink. Wishful thinking, but completely illogical.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by GordonH »

michael777 wrote:
whatisupcastanet wrote: So let me understand you here. Your calulation have us coming up to 7,000 years since early chapters of Genesis. Please correct me on this if I am wrong.
No, we are about to enter the seventh millennium, which means we have accomplished nearly 6000 years. The seventh millennium begins on the first day of the year 6000. When six days are finished it is time for God's rest. We have a seven day week and on the seventh day we should rest. Long ago that day use to be Saturday. It was moved to Sunday in Roman times. This mirrors the commandment to observe the sabboth day. M777
According to the hebrew calender it is the year 5769 so their is few years before #6000. http://www.science.co.il/Jewish-Holidays.asp?s=5769
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by normaM »

I am curious ( and not mocking) is there a specific date?
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Mr Danksworth »

No, he is incorrect on many levels.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by zzontar »

Show a link as to how the Hebrew calender works then. Just saying it ain't so doesn't cut it.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Mr Danksworth »

I think whatsup has done that already. But this is about more than the Hebrew calender, isn't it?
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by JonyDarko »


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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by Nebula »

JonyDarko wrote:WoW...

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About time you start noticing me, Jony.
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Re: Our Noah's Ark

Post by JonyDarko »

lol It is hard not to notice a big blue face

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