"More French in the ceremonies"

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Re: "More French in the ceremonies"

Post by ferri »

Inate8 wrote:
rookie314 wrote:Did you know that if you opened a store in Montreal, as is your right, and you put a sign on the front of it in English, which should be your right, you would be breaking the law. If you open a store in Calgary, which is your right, and you put a sign in the front in French (or Hindi, Japanese, Chinese, Bulgarian etc), which is your right, there would be nothing wrong with that. Where do the bigots and racists live?
That is interesting to know thank you.

yep, in Quebec the sign must be in French. you can also have an English sign, but the French one has to be bigger.
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Re: "More French in the ceremonies"

Post by MADGE »

50% of the Quebec people want to leave Canada, Why? Does this make them good Canadians?

Does this meen they do not want to be Canadian? Why?

Do they want the whole country to speak their language only? Do they want French to be the first lanquage of the Country and Why?

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Re: "More French in the ceremonies"

Post by dieseluphammerdown »

TheGnome wrote:I gotsa good idea, lets grab Alberta and the north and bail. If Quebec won't leave we will. A little dine and dash, leave them with the countries debt.

But first will someone please help me pack up Flyerfan2's sorry *bleep* and move him east.
Well with the amount of intolerance shown towards us French Canadians in this thread it may not be a bad idea.!!!

Sorry tho that you wont be able to join me there as Quebec has height restrictions that a gnome like yourself wont be able to meet.

It's for your own safety as we wouldn't want to not see you way down there and accidentally step on you and squash you as cleaning up squashed gnome is like trying to clean up squashed dog _______.!! :coffeecanuck:
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Re: "More French in the ceremonies"

Post by Liberty and Truth »

flyerfan2 wrote:
TheGnome wrote:I gotsa good idea, lets grab Alberta and the north and bail. If Quebec won't leave we will. A little dine and dash, leave them with the countries debt.

But first will someone please help me pack up Flyerfan2's sorry *bleep* and move him east.
Well with the amount of intolerance shown towards us French Canadians in this thread it may not be a bad idea.!!!

Sorry tho that you wont be able to join me there as Quebec has height restrictions that a gnome like yourself wont be able to meet.

It's for your own safety as we wouldn't want to not see you way down there and accidentally step on you and squash you as cleaning up squashed gnome is like trying to clean up squashed dog _______.!! :coffeecanuck:
way to promote tolerance. If you can't see the irony of what you just posted then you are beyond help.
Liberty and Truth

Re: "More French in the ceremonies"

Post by Liberty and Truth »

I got to know a guy from Quebec here in Kelowna a few years ago - he told me that when he moved to BC he was told by all his friends that he was crazy because everyone hates the French in Western Canada and that he would be spat on. He said all through school he was also taught this by his teachers. But he came out here anyway. And he was pleasantly surprised to find out that no one spat on him, and that they actually were interested to hear about Quebec and even attempt to speak French to him, even though he was comfortable speaking English (even though he sounded like Jean Chretien, which was fine, at least he was trying). The point of the story is - it does sound like for some reason, there is an institutionalized attitude in Quebec that the rest of Canada hates them, therefore, they feel the need to whine about how they are treated, all the time, and even cry "BIGOT" whenever anyone says "woah hold on there - you think maybe you are being a bit unreasonable?" Case in point Flyerfan. No one is saying they hate French people or Quebec, just the attitude that they feel the need to whine all the time. That is a crappy attitude, no matter how you slice it. It's not bigotry on the behalf of English Canada, it's called expecting to be treated the way you treat others - simple as that. My friend from Quebec caught on pretty quickly, now it's time you did too.
Last edited by Liberty and Truth on Feb 16th, 2010, 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "More French in the ceremonies"

Post by Loed »

Liberty and Truth wrote:
flyerfan2 wrote: Well with the amount of intolerance shown towards us French Canadians in this thread it may not be a bad idea.!!!

Sorry tho that you wont be able to join me there as Quebec has height restrictions that a gnome like yourself wont be able to meet.

It's for your own safety as we wouldn't want to not see you way down there and accidentally step on you and squash you as cleaning up squashed gnome is like trying to clean up squashed dog _______.!! :coffeecanuck:
way to promote tolerance. If you can't see the irony of what you just posted then you are beyond help.
I've come to understand(from viewing his/her posts in this thread and others) that their main lot in life is to argue hypocrisy, bring up points that ignore valid points that have been brought up earlier and such.

They are just trolling, more forums trash to be ignored. No real opinion for themselves, just whatever stirs the crowd the best. :spamcan:
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Re: "More French in the ceremonies"

Post by dieseluphammerdown »

Inate8 wrote:
Liberty and Truth wrote: way to promote tolerance. If you can't see the irony of what you just posted then you are beyond help.
I've come to understand(from viewing his/her posts in this thread and others) that their main lot in life is to argue hypocrisy, bring up points that ignore valid points that have been brought up earlier and such.

They are just trolling, more forums trash to be ignored. No real opinion for themselves, just whatever stirs the crowd the best. :spamcan:
Well when and if "YOU" do manage to bring up a valid point i'm more than willing to listen to it and think about it, i'm not holding my breath tho for that to happen any time soon.

Bashing the French and Quebec is NOT bring up a valid point.!!
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Re: "More French in the ceremonies"

Post by Loed »

I have a number of times now. You've ignored it.
You're on user ignore now, as I am convinced that truly all you are doing is trying to stir the pot for fun.

I lived in Montreal and visited rural area's of Quebec for the better part of a year, and I saw the exact reaction/welcome that Liberty and Truth details in his recent post. I have many Quebec born friends that live in BC now and are nothing like the native Quebec separatist. They are in fact quite the opposite and an amazing pleasure to be around, encouraging me to visit France if I want to experience Francophone culture more thoroughly than is/was possible in Quebec.

I'm sorry that my experiences and the opinions they have solidified in me sound like nothing more than "Quebec and French bashing". Grow up and actually read what I have been posting. I have nothing against the French one bit, never said I did. The problem I have are the separatists FROM Quebec, that push some very unkind feelings towards the rest of Canada, for no real reason other than they must feel like a supreme being deserving more rights than English speaking Canadians.

I put the effort forward, I do my best to give everyone an equal chance and meet them on as much grounding of theirs as I would expect them of mine. Sorry you have your blinders on to tight to have noticed this yet.
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Re: "More French in the ceremonies"

Post by LoneWolf_53 »

flyerfan2 wrote:
Inate8 wrote: I've come to understand(from viewing his/her posts in this thread and others) that their main lot in life is to argue hypocrisy, bring up points that ignore valid points that have been brought up earlier and such.

They are just trolling, more forums trash to be ignored. No real opinion for themselves, just whatever stirs the crowd the best. :spamcan:
Well when and if "YOU" do manage to bring up a valid point i'm more than willing to listen to it and think about it, i'm not holding my breath tho for that to happen any time soon.

Bashing the French and Quebec is NOT bring up a valid point.!!
Inate8 has got you pegged dead on flyerfan2 and your post history serves to support that stance.

Perhaps you didn't quite get the gist of the thread or read the topic?

It's all totally relevant and we wouldn't be here were it not for Jean Charest whining like a baby yet again because his flock didn't get the recognition he feels it deserves.

We're sick of it. End of story!

As was very appropriately pointed out by another post I'd venture most of us have no issue with French people and I've had some who worked for me that were just fine and became friends.

What we're sick of is the constant whining, complaining, and hypocritical treatment of the non French that depicts Quebec perfectly.

The only way that equality works is if both sides develop respect for each other and accept their differences.

In other words it's a two way street!

I'd view it as a huge step in the right direction if a Quebecois with some clout publicly told Charest to shut his yap in regards to the Olympics.

I'm not holding my breath waiting for that to happen though.
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Re: "More French in the ceremonies"

Post by c2c »

Not just Jean Charest. See today's editorial in the Globe:

http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/nat ... le1469342/
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Re: "More French in the ceremonies"

Post by dieseluphammerdown »

LoneWolf_53 wrote:
flyerfan2 wrote: Well when and if "YOU" do manage to bring up a valid point i'm more than willing to listen to it and think about it, i'm not holding my breath tho for that to happen any time soon.

Bashing the French and Quebec is NOT bring up a valid point.!!
Inate8 has got you pegged dead on flyerfan2 and your post history serves to support that stance.

Perhaps you didn't quite get the gist of the thread or read the topic?

It's all totally relevant and we wouldn't be here were it not for Jean Charest whining like a baby yet again because his flock didn't get the recognition he feels it deserves.

We're sick of it. End of story!

As was very appropriately pointed out by another post I'd venture most of us have no issue with French people and I've had some who worked for me that were just fine and became friends.

What we're sick of is the constant whining, complaining, and hypocritical treatment of the non French that depicts Quebec perfectly.

The only way that equality works is if both sides develop respect for each other and accept their differences.

In other words it's a two way street!

I'd view it as a huge step in the right direction if a Quebecois with some clout publicly told Charest to shut his yap in regards to the Olympics.

I'm not holding my breath waiting for that to happen though.
Your right it is a two way street.

Quebecois raise concerns English speaking west right it off as whining.

Why was one little comment an opinion from someone from Quebec blown so far out of proportion.? Is he not entitled to that feeling.? Why was so much offense taken if tolerance as you guy's gals state is what your generally all about.?

IMO Quebec once again got the short end of the stick , yet you guy's view it as whining.

IMO the comment was innocent enough.
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Re: "More French in the ceremonies"

Post by ferri »

flyerfan2 wrote: Your right it is a two way street.

Quebecois raise concerns English speaking west right it off as whining.

Why was one little comment an opinion from someone from Quebec blown so far out of proportion.? Is he not entitled to that feeling.? Why was so much offense taken if tolerance as you guy's gals state is what your generally all about.?

IMO Quebec once again got the short end of the stick , yet you guy's view it as whining.

IMO the comment was innocent enough.
i lived in Quebec for 5 years. i guess i should have whined about not enough English? as far as i could see the French didn't give a darn if i could read the signs or understand anything that was being said, so why do they expect special treatment when they are here? most of them expect everyone to speak French (you can't get a job if you don't) but you don't have to speak English. that's a two way street? sure didn't seem that way to me.
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Re: "More French in the ceremonies"

Post by dieseluphammerdown »

ferri wrote:
flyerfan2 wrote: Your right it is a two way street.

Quebecois raise concerns English speaking west right it off as whining.

Why was one little comment an opinion from someone from Quebec blown so far out of proportion.? Is he not entitled to that feeling.? Why was so much offense taken if tolerance as you guy's gals state is what your generally all about.?

IMO Quebec once again got the short end of the stick , yet you guy's view it as whining.

IMO the comment was innocent enough.
i lived in Quebec for 5 years. i guess i should have whined about not enough English? as far as i could see the French didn't give a darn if i could read the signs or understand anything that was being said, so why do they expect special treatment when they are here? most of them expect everyone to speak French (you can't get a job if you don't) but you don't have to speak English. that's a two way street? sure didn't seem that way to me.
This is the Olympics with Canada on the world stage and with French as an official language of this country, again i'm not sure how wanting equality can be seen as whining.

I don't believe most do expect special treatment when here , other then when here on the world stage.
It's about showing respect to the whole country not just the English speaking part of the country.
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Re: "More French in the ceremonies"

Post by Loed »

c2c wrote:Not just Jean Charest. See today's editorial in the Globe:

http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/nat ... le1469342/
Why does it even matter? For crying out loud I can't believe this was in the globe and mail, hahah!

BC is not a French province, it is a Native and British Province(some would say now Chinese and East Indian as well) really, the organizers did quite well all things considered. French was touched on, Native culture was given good coverage, they covered all their bases. The games in Vancouver has nothing to do with Quebec, so Jean should stay his mind, and not think so highly of himself in these games.

They aren't just respecting Quebec, they are honoring their side of the agreement. I bet almost a very high percentage of people at the Olympics speak English primarily, just like BC does. This is a world event not a Canadian one. We are just honored by having the even within our borders and I believe they have done a fantastic job of showcasing what Vancouver, BC is for heritage.

Anything more that Jean wants is just stirring up his separatist pot of dissent. To bad Rene Levesque's ideal never came forward for you guys I guess.

Great quote from the Globe and mail's comment section:

"Quite interesting to see the reaction about lack of French at the Opening Ceremonies. Bilingualism does not mean 50-50 in everything we do...it has to be reasonable. This event was a watershed in Canada because of the prominent, long overdue, recognition of the first nations communities in Canada. Kudos to VANOC for that. This was not done - to my knowledge - in Montreal in 1976, or in Calgary in 1988.

A very highly educated, female engineer Quebecoise (not a separatist) at work told me yesterday (all our discussions were in french) that she couldn't stand seeing "2 hours of those feathers sitting behind GG Michael Jean...they should get their 30 minutes of limelight and go away for the rest of Canada to be represented..." while at the same time, she was complaining that there was not enough french at the ceremonies in Vancouver. She failed to see the irony of her mentality of being a victim and of a coloniser at the same time. I have seen this type of prejudice expressed by people in Quebec who are otherwise perfectly logical and highly educated and world travelled, more often than I have seen in Ontario. This is the dichotomy of Quebec that will not go away. It is a visceral reaction. I saw it 20 years ago when I lived there, and I still find it today. Sad...but I guess that's Canada too."
Last edited by Loed on Feb 16th, 2010, 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "More French in the ceremonies"

Post by dieseluphammerdown »

Inate8 wrote:
c2c wrote:Not just Jean Charest. See today's editorial in the Globe:

http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/nat ... le1469342/
Why does it even matter? For crying out loud I can't believe this was in the globe and mail, hahah!

BC is not a French province, it is a Native and British Province(some would say now Chinese and East Indian as well) really, the organizers did quite well all things considered. French was touched on, Native culture was given good coverage, they covered all their bases. The games in Vancouver has nothing to do with Quebec, so Jean should stay his mind, and not think so highly of himself in these games.

They aren't just respecting Quebec, they are honoring their side of the agreement. I bet almost a very high percentage of people at the Olympics speak English primarily, just like BC does. This is a world event not a Canadian one. We are just honored by having the even within our borders and I believe they have done a fantastic job of showcasing what Vancouver, BC is for heritage.

Anything more that Jean wants is just stirring up his separatist pot of dissent. To bad Rene Levesque's ideal never came forward for you guys I guess.
This is laughable.!!

None of your examples are an official language of Canada , yet French is and it just being touched on {your words} is acceptable to you.?

Were is the equality in that.?

Yes i can see with your last post how you can claim things have to be a two way street.!!!!

It's obvious tho that what you really mean is it's a one way street until a two way street scenario suites your argument better.

Can you say hypocrite.?
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