How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

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How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by grammafreddy »

I won't vote for any of the slate. I don't vote slates. Slates getting elected creates a monopoly.

I also do not vote for anyone who states they belong to any church. Their views and mine seldom match. If I am considering someone who has not stated it in their profile, I make a point of contacting them by email and asking it outright. If they don't answer, I don't vote for them.

I don't vote green.

I don't vote for people who run attack campaigns. I want to know what they WILL DO and WHAT THEY ARE FOR, not what or who they are against.

I only vote for the people I want to see on council - even though I am allowed to make up to eight choices for Kelowna city councillors (other municipalities will differ on the number of councillor seats available). A vote for someone who is just so-so takes a vote away from my first and primary choices and lessens their chances of getting elected.

How do you vote? What is your criteria?
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by Captain Awesome »

I don't vote for anybody over 50.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by Ken7 »

[quote="grammafreddy"]I won't vote for any of the slate. I don't vote slates. Slates getting elected creates a monopoly.

I also do not vote for anyone who states they belong to any church. Their views and mine seldom match. If I am considering someone who has not stated it in their profile, I make a point of contacting them by email and asking it outright. If they don't answer, I don't vote for them.

Very intersting point of view. I have two questions, the term "Slate" referrs to a person of ? Secondly, if the don't state what in their profile you email them and ask? What is your concern, a member of a church group.

Thanks...good post!
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by Bsuds »

Doesn't leave many choices GF.

CA you're restricting yourself and missing out on a load of experience.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by grammafreddy »

Kenyo wrote: Very intersting point of view. I have two questions, the term "Slate" referrs to a person of ? Secondly, if the don't state what in their profile you email them and ask? What is your concern, a member of a church group.

Thanks...good post!

"Slate" refers to politicians who try to stack the deck to get the majority of them on council so they can out-vote others on council to get their way.

Second - if they don't state a religious affiliation in their election profile, then I email them and ask them if I am considering them. Some I don't give two thoughts to so I don't bother to contact them.

My concerns with anyone who belongs to a church and runs for elected office? I don't "do" religions. I figure if they are that brainwashed, they will be just as brainwashed on council. I want people who can think for themselves, weigh issues and information, sift through the crap they are given and make sound and reasonable decisions. You wouldn't believe how much garbage and how swayed it is that councillors get from staff and consultants. I also don't want to elect people who have different moral values than my own - and some religions really p me off with their views. I don't want "god" on council. Religions and governments should never be in the same bed fooling around - IMO.

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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by grammafreddy »

Bsuds wrote:Doesn't leave many choices GF.
I don't need many. I just need to vote for the ones that fit MY criteria. I seldom make all my X's. Usually just one or two, sometimes three.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by godfatherI »

At our house we have our own political views and we both agree to disagree at times. What we tend to do in civic elections is vote for the individual, based on their personal campaign statements, their plans for the city, how they plan to spend our hard earned tax dollars and such.

Last election I marked only two selections - both for councillor positions - none for mayor. It's surprising that some people feel they need to check off the maximum allowed, even though they may not favour all of those selected. You only need to select the ones that you feel will do the best job for the City and the taxpayers.

I agree with GF - if you are running for a position - don't waste time bashing the competition - just tell me what YOU plan to do if you are elected. 'Dirty' campaigns turn off most people. Positive, knowledgeable candidates stand a better chance of being heard - and it doesn't matter what the age is. If you're 20, 50 or 70 - if you sound like you have our best interests at heart then you will get our vote.

Once elected, remember what your campaign promises were. You may not be able to fulfill them all, but don't turn around after the election and do a one eighty on most everything you ran on. It makes us feel like you lied to us to get elected.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by Captain Awesome »

Bsuds wrote:CA you're restricting yourself and missing out on a load of experience.
Not exactly. Age doesn't equal experience.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by Logitack »

actually it does, you cant get experience without aging. the trick is using that age and experience in a productive way...
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by Glacier »

I vote for those with whom I believe to be both honest and competent. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by EdCase »

godfatherI wrote: I agree with GF - if you are running for a position - don't waste time bashing the competition - just tell me what YOU plan to do if you are elected. 'Dirty' campaigns turn off most people. Positive, knowledgeable candidates stand a better chance of being heard - and it doesn't matter what the age is. If you're 20, 50 or 70 - if you sound like you have our best interests at heart then you will get our vote.
I agree that 'dirty' campaigns are wrong and are one of the reasons that people have disengaged from the political process. However, I do believe a candidate should clearly explain where they feel their vision and plan is significantly different from that proposed by other candidates - individually or as a 'slate' - that they feel are detrimental to the future of the city.

In this election especially, there is an attempt being made to return Kelowna council to the control of a small self-interested clique. I will want to hear from each candidate if they subscribe to that group and, if not, how do they propose to act differently for the benefit of the entire community. We need to be presented with clear choices knowing exactly where each candidate stands. If that means a candidate speaking frankly about what they consider the pitfalls of voting for some of the other candidates, so be it.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by KunciJay »

When i vote,

It's just about who i agree with the most, and who i would be confident representing me and my best interests in decisions about Kelowna.

I like to vote for people i see that are different from the "pack", and i guess you could say this puts me off Slates. For example, just the fact that a Candidate might put another color on their sign other than Blue will definitely at least make me go home and give him an extra look.

In regards to the Age factor, i won't disagree that Age does somewhat bring experience, however some of the "experience" running for council i definitely don't think have my best interests in mind, and i'm very hesitant to place my vote towards them, i, personally, feel much more confident and secure in placing a vote towards some of the more Youth-connected Counselors.

At the end of the day, what matters most is that you get your vote in, and vote the way you want. Fill out all 8 slots or pick 4. As long as you make your voice heard, then you are making a difference.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by Bestside »

grammafreddy wrote:
Kenyo wrote: Very intersting point of view. I have two questions, the term "Slate" referrs to a person of ? Secondly, if the don't state what in their profile you email them and ask? What is your concern, a member of a church group.

Thanks...good post!
"Slate" refers to politicians who try to stack the deck to get the majority of them on council so they can out-vote others on council to get their way.

Second - if they don't state a religious affiliation in their election profile, then I email them and ask them if I am considering them. Some I don't give two thoughts to so I don't bother to contact them.

My concerns with anyone who belongs to a church and runs for elected office? I don't "do" religions. I figure if they are that brainwashed, they will be just as brainwashed on council. I want people who can think for themselves, weigh issues and information, sift through the crap they are given and make sound and reasonable decisions. You wouldn't believe how much garbage and how swayed it is that councillors get from staff and consultants. I also don't want to elect people who have different moral values than my own - and some religions really p me off with their views. I don't want "god" on council. Religions and governments should never be in the same bed fooling around - IMO.

And neither should capitalism.
Good OP GF...

In respect to religions, I am a hard right winger however my space is being taken over by hard right religion...

I don't do religion... only weddings and funerals... when I die they can pray for me, display me so people can rejoice see that it has happened at long last, they can bury me with my head facing in any direction, or burn me, or throw me down an abandoned well like in the earlier days. I won't give a poo.

However, if I am asked to record my religion on a document, I usually will record the religion of my childhood when I was forced to attend. If I was to run for office I would do likewise.... in the hope of getting some votes... I think that may be why many politicians record their religion, to at least show what they are not... and that what they are is OK.

So it is not as simplistic as seeing a declaration of faith and conjuring up visions of a weekly visit to confess and ask for forgiveness of their sins so they have a week ahead of screwing the electorate.

What is wrong with me GrammaFreddy? :137:
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by Loed »

If I haven't seen any signs I vote for them...

Kidding, kidding.

I don't vote for a town that doesn't interest me or anything I am involved with. The civic elections tend to be feather puffingly humorous.
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Re: How do YOU decide where to make your mark(s)?

Post by George+ »

No signs sounds good to me. Find them on the good 'old' computer or other media.

The City site covers all mayor/council/trustee candidates.

Sometimes civic elections ARE humorous.... and a little bizarre!

What about school trustees? Same criterion?

Maybe we need to start throwing out some specific names to discuss?
e.g. Gerry Zimmerman for council? ( honest and competent)

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