Who's getting your vote and why

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Re: Who's getting your vote and why

Post by james-d »

To George ,if you don't believe me, Do some homework and talk to some of the business owners that stayed and suffered thru the 90s, Bet anything you want that they will not vote NDP.!! And by the way what did you do or do you do for a living,? maybe you were a good union man?
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Re: Who's getting your vote and why

Post by LoneWolf_53 »

He made his coin off the government teat, hence wouldn't have a clue as to anything business related, and it's been apparent for eons.
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Re: Who's getting your vote and why

Post by james-d »

Thanks Lone wolf, thought it might be something like that.
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Re: Who's getting your vote and why

Post by hockey dude »

I'm voting for the Independent Daylene VanRyswyk. She's the only one who can hold the NDP or Liberals accountable in the legislature. She's not got a party whip telling her how to vote and I suspect she wouldn't let anyone tell her how to vote anyway. I like how direct she is she'll kick some BUTT!! Get rid of these useless liberals here and don't let then get their gold plated pensions
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Re: Who's getting your vote and why

Post by LoneWolf_53 »

Seriously naive to think a one trick pony with a personal vendetta is going to kick any butt for you in Victoria. She isn't even intelligent enough to be there without cue cards, and as a toothless dog amongst the pack would serve no useful purpose at all.
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Re: Who's getting your vote and why

Post by George+ »

Still have not seen who has stopped building.
List them. Who is moving?

Put up or....???
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Re: Who's getting your vote and why

Post by LoneWolf_53 »

As usual your post makes no sense. Put a bit more effort into it or take a break.
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Re: Who's getting your vote and why

Post by james-d »

to George I understand what you are trying to say. But unlike some commies I would not divulge any of the company names,That would be very unproffesional of me, So well enough that you know the same as when the commies were in before 100s of businesses fled their commie rule . This is not for your benifit to know the general puplic already know what will happen.No names need be mentioned, after the election I will pm you so you will understand,and if the commies get in you can watch them go.
I hate having to remind people like you of the things they forgot about the last DP fiasco. It has nothing to do with who leads their party,They are as close to communism as you can get,and still live in a resonably free world.if they had their way the govt would own everything and we could all work share a few hours a week,and starve to death collectively.
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Re: Who's getting your vote and why

Post by George+ »

Straight nonsense.
Do send the list.

I guess there is no put up.

Trying to scare people before voting?

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Re: Who's getting your vote and why

Post by james-d »

Nope just trying to make people remember. Most NDPers have no memory I guess that's why the keep making the same stupid mistakes over and over and over
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Re: Who's getting your vote and why

Post by Anonymous123 »

So what I get out of this election discussion (and I mean all threads), is that Christy Clark is being blamed for Gordon Campbell's mistakes. She has been Premier for the last two years. In this time she has done what she could to pull us out of the debt created by her predecessors (NDP and Liberal governments). She has no legal convictions.
Adrian Dicks meanwhile has been found guilty of forging Government documents to protect the integrity of the party, the same one he now leads.
A vote for any other party is considered a "waste of a vote".
Where will my vote will go?
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Re: Who's getting your vote and why

Post by hockey dude »

lone wolf she's the only one not reading from prewritten answers. steve is such a bad public speaker he has all the answers written down even am1150 you could tell him and the conservative guy were reading. My wife knows a lady that worked for her and says shes very smart was going into law. you must have some personal issue that is blinding you. I want someone who stands up for what they think is right. God help us if crusty gets in

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