Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

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Re: Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

Post by Woodenhead »

The 3 best ways to curtail human caused forest fires are:
  • 1. Education
  • 2. Enforcement
  • 3. Bans
Guess which one costs the least?

We'd need 1 conservation officer per 50sq/km (or less, and patrolling 24/7) in order to catch everyone. That ain't happening. (although I'm all for it happening)

Bans are pretty much the same thing as laws. We wouldn't need laws, either, if it wasn't for idiots.
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Re: Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

Post by Sparki55 »

ferri wrote:Just so you know:
The average light off temperature at which the catalytic converter begins to function ranges from 400 to 600 degrees F. The normal operating temperature can range up to 1,200 to 1,600 degrees F. But as the amount of pollutants in the exhaust go up, so does the converter's operating temperature.
Yes, that is how hot they get. They also have a heat shield around them and are tucked up near the engine.
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Re: Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

Post by Sparki55 »

Catsumi wrote:May 1st, 2016, 4 P.M. smoke is spotted along an ATV trail near Ft. MAc

10:00 P.M. Emeegency declared, people start to evacuate

Cause: ATV on a trail normally used, however conditions were very warm, dry and dusty landscape and winds at 70 km

Cost: 5 billion bucks and counting

Area burned: 600,000 hectares

Source: Ryerson University study of disaster response. 2016
The atv either don't not have a spark arrester or heat shields. That or the operator tossed something lot while riding.

Proper enforcement of good functioning toys won't cause an issue.
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Re: Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

Post by Catsumi »

Sparki55 wrote:
Catsumi wrote:May 1st, 2016, 4 P.M. smoke is spotted along an ATV trail near Ft. MAc

10:00 P.M. Emeegency declared, people start to evacuate

Cause: ATV on a trail normally used, however conditions were very warm, dry and dusty landscape and winds at 70 km

Cost: 5 billion bucks and counting

Area burned: 600,000 hectares

Source: Ryerson University study of disaster response. 2016
The atv either don't not have a spark arrester or heat shields. That or the operator tossed something lot while riding.

Proper enforcement of good functioning toys won't cause an issue.

"Proper enforcement of good functioning toys"... Not entirely clear on what you meant by this, but if it was to hire thousands of inspectors at all trail entrances, it would be a mighty expensive undertaking.

Not since biblical times has manna fallen from the skies free of charge.

It is just easier to stay out of the bush now. It's dangerous. Riding toys can wait for awhile, yes??
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Re: Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

Post by Sparki55 »

Not thousands of people hired. I'm suggesting we triple the force from 6 to 18; maybe 30. At that capacity, anyone in the bush will see a conservation officer every trip!
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Re: Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

Post by tsayta »

I have learned that to be with those I like is enough.
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Re: Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

Post by sulchie »

They should release his name and if he got a $767 fine. If he didn't then it must be ok to be out there and I'm going for a rip.
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Re: Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

Post by 62silverado »

Was out camping this previous Sunday to Wednesday and as i said previously had spoke with a CO to clarify ban. No atvs, no dirt bikes, no off-roading, period. So why is it then the Fire Wardens (yes, I spoke with two) are telling people its ok as long as you stay on more of the main roads ????? Again, I repeat "You cant fix stupid".
This was my whole point about bans and as I see here most people agree there are morons who care nothing about the rules or laws we are to abide by. So you are saying its ok to restrict the masses for the actions of a few idiots. I believe that is referred to as "oppression".
That also brings me back to my point of why is everyone still out on the lake? If its so possible for an atver to zip up some secluded road to have a cigarette or a camp fire why is it unrealistic to think a boater wont beach it to have a dart or a wiener roast along our hundreds of miles of secluded shore line ?
As I said across the board ban ?
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Re: Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

Post by TylerM4 »

62silverado wrote: That also brings me back to my point of why is everyone still out on the lake? If its so possible for an atver to zip up some secluded road to have a cigarette or a camp fire why is it unrealistic to think a boater wont beach it to have a dart or a wiener roast along our hundreds of miles of secluded shore line ?
As I said across the board ban ?
Stretching things don't you think?

Off road vehicles can cause fires in addition to the humans riding them. Sparks, hot exhaust, etc.
Beaches are usually more wet/humid and less prone to fire and boats don't start forest fires.

By your logic - nobody should be allowed to leave their house.
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Re: Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

Post by Poindexter »

Suppose it doesn't get much more "off road" than a boat on the lake but using this logic all hiking, fishing, camping of any kind and pretty much anything outdoors would be banned. Dont think it's plausable at all and agree, that's taking it waaaay too far.
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Re: Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

Post by 62silverado »

Apparently the Lake country fire was started on some other kind of beach, not a wet/humid and less prone to fire beach ?
Hikers smoke, mountain bikers smoke, boats can stop along the shore to do whatever they please. That is my point of disagreeing with the ban. Your banning one group when there are several groups with the potential of starting a wild fire.
I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe that some people can be so naive in thinking that only off-roaders are the only user group putting our forests at risk ? Before you reply actually give it more thought.
I believe I should have paid more attention to what johnny24 wrote.
"You're trying to apply facts to your argument? You have to understand your audience here.
Pointless, Cheers.
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Re: Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

Post by sulchie »

Dirtbikes and quads are a luxury item, this ban is really no different then if they closed the ski hill because of no snow. Nobody has to be out there right so everyone should stay home and read a book or do yard work or work on the bike, and then go for an 8 hour rip when they lift the ban.
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Re: Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

Post by tsayta »

Lol. The ultimate oxymoron. 'smoking hikers'.
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Re: Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

Post by TylerM4 »

62silverado wrote:Apparently the Lake country fire was started on some other kind of beach, not a wet/humid and less prone to fire beach ?
Hikers smoke, mountain bikers smoke, boats can stop along the shore to do whatever they please. That is my point of disagreeing with the ban. Your banning one group when there are several groups with the potential of starting a wild fire.
I'm sorry but I find it hard to believe that some people can be so naive in thinking that only off-roaders are the only user group putting our forests at risk ? Before you reply actually give it more thought.
I believe I should have paid more attention to what johnny24 wrote.
"You're trying to apply facts to your argument? You have to understand your audience here.
Pointless, Cheers.
It's about managing risk and applying common sense. It's not about wonton banning of things because they banned other things. Has there ever been a boating ban evoked anywhere in North America due to wildfire risk? I suspect there's a reason why I've never heard of such a thing. I own an ATV but don't own a boat yet I'm amazed you don't see the logic behind this.

Also - Apparently you only paid attention to the speculation and rumors. LC fire has since been confirmed as arson by RCMP. It started near the ROAD that happens to be about 50' away from the beach/lake.
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Re: Off Road Vehicle Restrictions Including Okanagan

Post by TylerM4 »

sulchie wrote:Dirtbikes and quads are a luxury item, this ban is really no different then if they closed the ski hill because of no snow. Nobody has to be out there right so everyone should stay home and read a book or do yard work or work on the bike, and then go for an 8 hour rip when they lift the ban.

So you are proposing a backcountry travel ban? It's been done in the past and has some merit.

Your analogy is horrible. Backcountry ban is to reduce risk - closing the ski hill is because nobody can ski so there's no point having it open. VERY different.

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