Kirschner Mountain Flooding

Lord of the Board
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Re: Kirschner Mountain Flooding

Post by Grandan »

bob vernon wrote:These flooding problems seen to happening in a few places in the Okanagan. Many where there is development going on up above. Developers are getting pathetically simple approvals for their subdivisions, without having to worry about runoff. And city hall is also ducking their responsibility. Who's side is city hall on?

A long term solution is make your elected officials responsible at the polls. Demand these city councilors who are supported and propped up by developers do their jobs for their citizens, not the developers. Organize and elect councilors and mayors who will do the right thing.
There is no way to hold mayor and council personally responsible for approvals to subdivisions. Subdivisions and approvals run across multiple city councils over decades so how are you going to do that? There is already a system in place, it called the Courts.
Subdivisions are signed off by Engineers and other registered professionals who take on the liability insurance for future problems. Engineers by nature are very conservative in their design. It is more likely a subdivision is over-designed for things like drainage. Approvals are getting more difficult to obtain not the other way around.
Older subdivisions were not designed the way they are today, far from it. If anyone has water running into their basement it is because they did not slope the land away from their foundations as is required under the subdivision bylaw. We see people constantly filling in ditches around their property because they don't like them, never mind that they serve an important purpose.

Since only about 25% of people vote anyway how is that going to solve anything? Of those 25% they might be one or two % of individuals who know anything about development so it sound like a hair-brained idea to me.
The Okanagan is filled with unstable soils left over from the last ice age and there are natural cave ins and hillside collapses all over the place, many that are nowhere near development like this one on Westside Road. ... e-collapse
Waste not
steve mc
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Re: Kirschner Mountain Flooding

Post by steve mc »

if infrastructure is not maintained weather is not the problem, the settling pond above my property had not been cleaned since ? finally let loose thursday nite bringing down atorrent of acculation of sand gravel and mud,the culvert below my propery was 90% full and would not carry any flow had spoke with city of west kelowna staff for years told them it was only a matter of time before they would be repairing the damage, last year they came out had a look and left, I been able to keep water flowing thru my property for the last 20+years but realized I was unable to do it as it was getting worse,all of this is in the creek and going into lake. proactive is better than reactive and is cheaper and safer in the long run.
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Re: Kirschner Mountain Flooding

Post by WalterWhite »

steve mc wrote:if infrastructure is not maintained weather is not the problem, the settling pond above my property had not been cleaned since ? finally let loose thursday nite bringing down atorrent of acculation of sand gravel and mud,the culvert below my propery was 90% full and would not carry any flow had spoke with city of west kelowna staff for years told them it was only a matter of time before they would be repairing the damage, last year they came out had a look and left, I been able to keep water flowing thru my property for the last 20+years but realized I was unable to do it as it was getting worse,all of this is in the creek and going into lake. proactive is better than reactive and is cheaper and safer in the long run.
Agree that storm drainage infrastructure requires maintenance. Not sure what that has to do with this situation however.
steve mc
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Re: Kirschner Mountain Flooding

Post by steve mc »

I belive its all are problems as it will all ends up in the creeks and lake. it up to everyone see something clean it up or report it does,nt take much to pull garbage and debri out of a ditch or strom grate.
bob vernon
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Re: Kirschner Mountain Flooding

Post by bob vernon »

Colin: "We're listening to people about the busking bylaw."

The flood and landslide victims, not so much.

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