All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2
I can totally see that coming to our neighbor to the South curteousY of the GOP and the cult of Trump. It does appear by some of the same attitudes and thinking by our right wingers that the same fate might be around the corner for us........but not because of our minority government led by JT.Glacier wrote: ↑Feb 21st, 2022, 3:33 pm"Permanence is the illusion of every age. But you cannot wage a sustained ideological assault on your own civilization without profound consequence. Without serious course correction, we will see the end of the Anglo-American era, and the eclipse of the powers that built the modern world. " ~ Mark Steyn
Bolded part is mine. What he means by this is that the vast majority who are about to head into a dictatorship don't see it coming. They think that this time will be different, and that they are too smart to fall for the traps previous generations fell into.
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2
Oh you mean then inflict the same pain they felt on others, like that?
- Insanely Prolific
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2

We told yall Project 2025 wasn't real.
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2
Last edited by Triple 6 on Feb 21st, 2022, 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Off topic. baiting.
Reason: Off topic. baiting.
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2
Last edited by Triple 6 on Feb 21st, 2022, 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Baiting.
Reason: Baiting.
Don't take my silence to mean I've agreed with you; I easily could've just lost interest in explaining how wrong you are.
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History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes.
"I figured out how to monetize SJWs." Jordan B. Peterson
- Übergod
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2
Arguing with stupid people is exhausting so I don't know why I bother. Stupid people are the reason the govt had to invoke the EA. They demanded that the govt remove all vax mandates. The govt chose to listen to scientists and medical professionals rather than a bunch of delusional mouth breathers and spreaders of insane propaganda. So, the protesters got stubborn and petulant like spoiled children. They took actions that cost the economy millions upon millions of dollars and they literally seized control of our national capital. Now children, what do you think would have happened if a bunch of stupid people occupied the Kremlin?daria wrote: ↑Feb 21st, 2022, 3:21 pmHis dictatorship is enabled by the New Dictatorship Party (credit due to Viva Frei for that moniker).foenix wrote: ↑Feb 21st, 2022, 3:19 pm
More right wing fantasy dribble and hysterical hyperbole,......You'd think we were ruled under a dictator instead of a minority government under JT. The only mess that was made was by the illegal occupation by a minority of fringe truckers spurred on by the far right groups.
Certain stupid people (but certainly not the majority of Canadians) characterize Trudeau as a dictator and they can't understand why he brought in the police to break up the protests rather than give in to their ridiculous demands. Uhhh duhhhhh . . . .it's easier to explain this to my dog. I just thank the Gods that there are enough intelligent, reasonable people in Canada to keep darkness and ignorance at bay for the time being. But, when I see a woman calling a high school girl a c#$^ because she's wearing a mask, or protesters in Surrey spitting on people, I'm afraid of what's coming. Canada is getting dumber every day.
- Admiral HMS Castanet
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2
The Green Barbarian wrote: ↑Feb 21st, 2022, 3:36 pmIt's disgusting. A disgusting act by desperate people who see power slipping from their grasp. This was Jagmeet's time to shine, and he proved once again that he's just as spineless and gutless as the losers that he is propping up in government right now.Glacier wrote: ↑Feb 21st, 2022, 3:23 pm I haven't read any of the past 100 pages in this thread and haven't looked at similar ones recently, so forgive me if I'm reposting... I'm just popping by to express my frustration anger with "Mr." Trudeau for being a conniving little b______.
Making the Emergencies Act a vote of confidence knowing full well that his own MPs don't like it is beyond repugnant.

Most academics operate in a rarified world where their highfalutin pontification is decoupled from reality. However, ideas have real consequences. Products, political systems, and policies that are incongruent with human nature always fail... Gad Saad
- Insanely Prolific
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Re: All Things Trudeau, Chapter 2
If the "stupid people" you are referring to includes Justin Trudeau, then I can agree with this. His spineless lack of leadership has led to every single issue in this protest. If he hadn't been such a total weasel right from the get go, this would have been over long ago. And BTW - there is no "reason" whatsoever for the EA to be invoked. It was yet another spineless stupid act by a spineless stupid man.
We told yall Project 2025 wasn't real.