"Faith" in the 21st Century?

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Re: "Faith" in the 21st Century?

Post by Thinktank »

occasional thoughts wrote:Rather off topic,
Nope. It's right on topic.
Amazing Polly is a QAnon influencer based in Canada who speaks about human trafficking. She was banned by YouTube and explained her side of the story in a video posted on her page on bitchute.com. Credit: bitchute.com
https://saportareport.com/pope-arrested ... rts/david/

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Re: "Faith" in the 21st Century?

Post by Babba_not_Gump »

What's the difference between the various religions and the latest religion/cult, Qanon? Not very much and a number of similarities.
Religions are full of failed predictions, as is Qanon. And the same for false claims.

Religions and their belief in the battle between good and evil, and Qanon and the battle between Trump and the Cabal.

The second coming of Christ vs Qanon's forth coming reckoning.

And now the FBI is viewing Qanon as a possible domestic terrorist threat. Hmm, something like the Romans viewing christianity?
Though I'm sure their hero Trump won't be crucified. Or was he? The stolen election?

People gravitate to Qanon and other such cults the same way the gravitate to religions. They need a belief, a security blanket, a crutch.
They need reassurance and they get it from those around them have similar beliefs, legitimate or not.
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Re: "Faith" in the 21st Century?

Post by Thinktank »

bb49 wrote:What's the difference between the various religions and the latest religion/cult, Qanon?
Simple. Religions existed. Billions of people were religious. In some countries 95% of them were Catholic.

There are no Q-Anons. It's a completely made up thing, so Youtube and Facebook can remove people, delete them, and silence them.

That's the difference. Try reading some of the nonsense that's written about Q-anon. It's ridiculous. And each article says it's different. Anti-vaxxers are Qanons. Anti-maskers are Qanons. Anti-Hillarys are Qanons. Pro-Trump supporters are Qanons.
If you were an adherent, no one would be able to tell. You would look like any other American. You could be a mother, picking leftovers off your toddler’s plate. You could be the young man in headphones across the street. You could be a bookkeeper, a dentist, a grandmother icing cupcakes in her kitchen. You may well have an affiliation with an evangelical church. But you are hard to identify just from the way you look—which is good,
^ What does that even mean? [icon_lol2.gif]

https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/ar ... ng/610567/

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Re: "Faith" in the 21st Century?

Post by Glacier »

It could very well be that QAnon is a sort of "faith" that takes the place of the organized religions that have waned in recent decades. We know that the horned buffalo guy is a shaman. I knew a shaman, and he was definitely at odds with the Christian dudes in the community (Anahim Lake in this case), though he was a very strange character who was at odds with everyone, especially after getting caught trying to use his shaman powers to seduce other people's wives.
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Re: "Faith" in the 21st Century?

Post by occasional thoughts »

ThinkTank identified himself in another recent thread/post as a well-known U.S. televangelist. I'm never sure what position he's featuring. I agree, religion, for the most part, has given a lot of people a lot of comfort. My dear mother as she approached her final day returned hard to her Christian fundamentalist values and I know she was greatly comforted, even if I (by then) and many others believe it is hooey. Over the centuries, and thinking of Christianity without letting other religions off the hook, many people have monetized people's propensity to want to believe and put their faith in God. I myself "fell away" as I grew into adulthood.

What I wish religionists would remember is that they are people of FAITH. They believe in something but they don't KNOW. I wish they wouldn't confuse "faith" with "fact".
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Re: "Faith" in the 21st Century?

Post by Thinktank »

occasional thoughts wrote:Faith has been grappling with science for a long time.
occasional thoughts wrote:What I wish religionists would remember is that they are people of FAITH. They believe in something but they don't KNOW. I wish they wouldn't confuse "faith" with "fact".
But look who you and millions of other people, including many Christians are worshipping - the "scientists."


All you non-Christian people worship the scientists. That means you're worshipping Boris Nikolik - SCIENCE ADVISOR - shown above with Bill Gates. You trust scientists because you think they are smarter than you are.


[icon_lol2.gif] Bonnie. Redfield. Fauci. Gates. Nikolik. In science we trust.

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Re: "Faith" in the 21st Century?

Post by Glacier »

The idea that The Church and Science are in conflict was invented by protestant puritans because they wanted to ban Catholic immigration to the US, so they tried to argue that The Church (AKA the Pope and his minions) were keeping society back by shutting down scientific inquiry.
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Re: "Faith" in the 21st Century?

Post by occasional thoughts »

Speaking as the OP, the thread is about neo-religions such as Q-Anon in the 21st Century. On the other hand, there are always lots of intellectual stimulations and challenges that arise out of a thread like this that may veer off strict topic.

Science is a process or a "method". I don't think it is to be worshipped. I don't believe I worship it. I have trouble with some of the aspects of science. I believe there is room in science for larceny. It is practised by humans, same as religion. There's lots of room for ego, having a new species or a discovery named after you. I fear the role that conformity plays; peer review, e.g. Outliers are often suspected, not welcome. I think that ThinkTank is saying that science is just another religion. I hope it is not, but he may be right, for some at least? I will say that I prefer it (science) over the alternatives.
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Re: "Faith" in the 21st Century?

Post by Thinktank »

occasional thoughts wrote:I think that ThinkTank is saying that science is just another religion.
I would rather confess my sins to 1,000 priests,
stand on the street corner giving out 1,000 Watchtower magazines a day,
Read the book of Mormon from cover to cover 1,000 times
And say out loud - thank you Jesus - a million times
than to get one proven safe by scientists vaccine from the scientists at Pfizer.

But if scientists say wash my hands - that's okay.

The world's number one scientist.


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Re: "Faith" in the 21st Century?

Post by mbfarm131 »

occasional thoughts wrote:I'm working on an embryonic thought here . . . yep, I do think occasionally, and this one is embryonic . . . so please hold your AK47s for the time being.

Q-anon. Weird and wild, almost a joke or at least a caricature. But it has grabbed hundreds of thousands if not millions in the U.S. and who knows if it has made it across our border. I believe it is no accident that it appeals to the fringe right-wing, that it is apparently appealing to the Evangelical populace of the U.S. Adherents of Baptist, CMA, Pentecostal and so many other denominations share a massively important association with adherents of Q-anon, they are all PEOPLE OF FAITH which is taking on the trappings of religion with its own "Saviour".

Just like there is a certain percentage of our population that turns to criminality, there is a certain proportion of our population that needs to believe in something or someone. When such people leave established entities, they call it Spiritualism and believe that everything comes from "God". It all generalized to the notion of Religiosity.

It's late, that's the best I can put my embryonic thought for now. Have at it. But to me, Q-anon and similar are all neo-religions making no more or less sense than Aimee Semple McPherson, Mr. Smith and the Book of Mormon, and so on back into history.
I'm not, in any way shape or form, trying to be an apologist for Qanon or religious indoctrination camps but, to be honest, pointing fingers at these people is low hanging fruit. Most people in the West have no genuine thoughts of their own, everything they believe to be truth is nothing more than a sound byte that was given to them by a lab coat or a celebrity. "Scientism" is the new priest class, dare to deny the gospel of the lab coat and you'll be branded a heretic. The whole model of the original Scientific Method is based on questioning, yet to question main stream science is forbidden in the eyes of the masses. Dogma exists everywhere, pointing to the "fringe right" and "religious zealots" might have been edgy several decades ago, but now it just reeks of pseudo-intellectualism for applause. Everybody knows those people are gullible, that's nothing new. Take a look at the ones around you, the ones who are living in a haze of pop culture programming, their minds rolling with false memories implanted by Hollywood and Netflix, willing to do, say or believe in anything so long as it ensures that they can stay on their course of moving from one dopamine triggering activity to the next. The popular aversion to critical thought is the pandemic we should all be scared of.

Although, if you're like most people, you won't even think that reality exists unless the 6 o'clock news tells you it does.
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Re: "Faith" in the 21st Century?

Post by Glacier »

occasional thoughts wrote:Speaking as the OP, the thread is about neo-religions such as Q-Anon in the 21st Century. On the other hand, there are always lots of intellectual stimulations and challenges that arise out of a thread like this that may veer off strict topic.

Science is a process or a "method". I don't think it is to be worshipped. I don't believe I worship it. I have trouble with some of the aspects of science. I believe there is room in science for larceny. It is practised by humans, same as religion. There's lots of room for ego, having a new species or a discovery named after you. I fear the role that conformity plays; peer review, e.g. Outliers are often suspected, not welcome. I think that ThinkTank is saying that science is just another religion. I hope it is not, but he may be right, for some at least? I will say that I prefer it (science) over the alternatives.
Here's a question. Haven't these types of "neo-religions" always been around? The moon landing was faked, 9/11 was an inside job, you are an illegitimate bass *bleep*, etc. Do you think the religious fervor is getting more out of hand or dying down when it comes to neo-religions?
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Re: "Faith" in the 21st Century?

Post by Thinktank »

so let me get this straight - I don't have cable TV so I don't have the privilege of listening to Anderson Cooper


But that liar above told Anderson Cooper that he thought Anderson Cooper ate babies.

And you guys believe that? [icon_lol2.gif]

https://www.buzzfeed.com/stephenlaconte ... f-a-former

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Re: "Faith" in the 21st Century?

Post by occasional thoughts »

Glacier, I think that religionists may be metamorphosizing, and that is fascinating if true. And should be both documented and understood.

ThinkTank, do I believe that the guy who Cooper interviewed believed that Cooper ate babies. Yes, I believe that that guy used to believe that. No way of proving of course. If I understand correctly, but I'm seeking truth here, the Q-Anon come on is "Save The Children" and I believe you once herein mentioned the risk to children.

Yes, Cooper is apparently gay and, yes, I understand he recently adopted a child. Has anyone checked to see whether the child has disappeared or if he is missing any of his tastier parts.
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Re: "Faith" in the 21st Century?

Post by capleton »

Hmmm wrote:You seem to be completely confused as to what I believe.. Maybe just stick to what you believe and I'll explain myself if I feel like it. Thank you for your input though.
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Re: "Faith" in the 21st Century?

Post by 1nick »

Extremist violent faith, it’s not just Islam. Why not both? “¯\_(ツ)_/¯“
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